
Welcome to my photo blog of this weekend’s SSA Grand Prix at King’s Park!

Let me say, at the outset, that I am not a professional photographer and this is not my career.

I am merely a passionate amateur photographer who is learning the ropes of photography as I go, and who has a keen interest in sports photography.

I do not charge for my photos, so you are welcome to download and distribute my photos as you wish. My only request is that you do not remove my watermark and that you acknowledge me as the photographer wherever you can.

If you have the urge to donate some money to me for my time and effort in capturing and processing these photos, please feel free to do so! My banking details are as follows:

Account Holder: N A Bailey
Bank: Nedbank
Branch Code: 164505
Account No: 1963288661

I can be contacted by email at nvll.bl@gmail.com.

One comment on “Welcome!

  1. yvettevivian says:

    Great idea, thank you. I will be following the blog and checking out the pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

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